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Should I Replace My Carpet with Hardwood?

Should I Replace My Carpet With Hardwood?


Deciding whether to replace your carpet with hardwood flooring?  Flooring is a large investment, so it's a big decision!  

Have you ever wondered why many carpets have hardwood flooring under them?  Flooring is cyclical, styles come and go.  My theory is that people with hardwood under their carpet decided that carpet was the better choice.  Here's why:

1.  Carpet is a great filter for dust, dander and other allergens.

In our old house, we had hardwood floors throughout.  I thought they would be easy to maintain when we first moved in, plus I always had carpet and thought hardwood would be a nice change of scenery.  I quickly noticed when the sun would shine in the windows, I could see every single speck of dust on the floor, even though I had recently swept.  

Plus with golden retrievers, the house looked like a scene from a wild west movie most days with tumbleweeds of hair in every corner! 

Why doesn't carpet show these things as much?  Carpet is a filter, dust and dander get trapped in the fibers to keep them out of the air.  Filters just need to be emptied - in this case by vacuuming weekly and  professional steam cleaning every six months - one year depending on household traffic.

2.  Carpet is an amazing insulator.

Sure, the look of carpet makes a room feel warm and cozy, but did you know can actually help insulate your rooms?  Think of carpet as your floor wearing a coat.  Unlike other types of flooring, carpet is a natural insulator‚ providing additional warmth in cold seasons.  This comes especially handy here in Michigan in the freezing winters!  Plus, around 10% of heat is lost through uninsulated floors, so carpet can actually save you money on your heat bill.

Carpet also insulates in another way - sound.  My son's bedroom is wall to wall wood floor and it is so loud - especially with an 8 year old boy in there!  Until we replace the floor with carpet, we have an area rug down to absorb some of the echoing.  It helps!

3.  The cost of wood floor vs. carpet

According to Realtor.com, hardwood floors are 2.4 - 3 times more expensive (including installation) than carpet.  Plus, the cost to refinish them can be around the same as buying and installing brand new carpet.

Hardwood floors are beautiful and last a long time, but the same is true for carpet as long as you maintain it with regular vacuuming and professional steam cleaning. 


Sure, we are partial to carpet, it's what we know and love!  But we've also had many customers replace their carpet with hardwood thinking it would be easier to maintain, only to cover it up with area rugs or even install carpet over it!  What it comes down to is what's best for your family and the daily household traffic your floors get, not necessarily what the current trend is.

By the way, are you thinking of tearing out your carpet because you think it's too far gone?  We have helped many customers extend the life of their carpet for a fraction of the cost replacement would be!  Our carpet cleaning techs are the best around and have worked some carpet miracles!


Ready for a cleaning?  Give us a call and we'll find a time that works for your schedule!  248.496.1800

 Written by Tina Ersig

Hi, I'm Tina!  I'm the behind the scenes gal at the Greener Cleaner: answering phone calls, writing blog posts, and answering emails.  I have the best job because I get to work in comfy clothes, be home with my kids when they are sick, have "office dogs" and get to talk to other moms on the phone every day.  

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