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The Benefits of Carpet Cleaning During the Winter

As winter blankets our surroundings with snow and frost, many of us tend to shift our focus away from routine cleaning tasks, including those related to carpets and rugs. However, winter is actually a great time to have your carpets and rugs professionally cleaned!  In this blog post, I’ll talk about the reasons why having your carpets and rugs cleaned during the winter months can be beneficial for both your carpets and your overall well-being.

Indoor Air Quality and Allergens:

Winter usually means spending more time inside, with windows and doors tightly shut to keep the cold out. This can lead to a buildup of indoor pollutants and allergens, including dust mites and pet dander.  Carpets and rugs act like a filter to trap allergens (which is a good thing!) and filters need to be emptied.

Faster Drying Times:

The Greener Cleaner’s carpet cleaning techniques and equipment are designed to minimize moisture usage. Winter's lower humidity levels can actually expedite the drying process, so your carpets dry faster. 

Prevent Winter Stains from Setting In:

Winter comes with its own set of challenges, such as mud, snow, and salt being tracked indoors. Taking care of these issues quickly is important to prevent them from setting into the carpet fibers and becoming permanent wear on the carpet. 


While many of us think of spring when we think of cleaning, the benefits of having your carpets cleaned in the winter outweigh any inconvenience. The colder months offer a unique opportunity to enhance indoor air quality, prevent stains, and protect your carpets from seasonal challenges. Plus it gives you a head start on your spring cleaning!  So let’s embrace winter and give your carpets the care they need for a healthier, cozier home.

Ready for a cleaning?  Give us a call and we'll find a time that works for your schedule!  248.496.1800

 Written by Tina Ersig

Hi, I'm Tina!  I'm the behind the scenes gal at the Greener Cleaner: answering phone calls, writing blog posts, and answering emails.  I have the best job because I get to work in comfy clothes, be home for my kids when they get home from school, have "office dogs" and get to talk to other moms on the phone every day.  

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